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Social Justice Power Hour Inauguration Day Special

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ocial Justice Power Hour
Inauguration Day Special
A New Dawn, A New Day
Join us as fab celebs, national dignitaries, & local leaders alike, from across all our beautifully diverse communities share their thoughts, guidance, calls to action, or simply sighs of relief to our incomin' administration or to the nation/world in general in virtual community-buildin' very special event equally empowerin' & entertainin'
7pm ET/4pm PT
Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice virtual HQ

The Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice Power Hour is broadcast live every weeknite from our FB page with fabulous & meaningful guest-stars each & every nite!
Whereas we hope you join us live, if you miss any broadcasts, all of our over 200 Power Hour's are always available for your viewin' pleasure aqui~